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Awaken your potential for 2025!
As we step into the Lunar New Year, January and February offer an opportunity to build resilience and self-reliance in our lives.
The cold, wet, and dark weather can make us all want to stay in bed and hibernate. That’s why it’s so important to stay dedicated to yourself, your health and your growth right now. Your power starts with nourishing your soul with the dedication and discipline! 💪💪💪
Join us for an uplifting 7-class Kundalini Yoga series designed to empower you with resilience, strength and optimism to take on 2025!
Together, we will uplift each and harness essential qualities to not just handle life’s challenges but to thrive in every areas of life!☘️
The class dates are:
Jan 2 – Renewal and Clarity
Jan 16 - Balance Energy
Jan 23 - Cultivate Confidence for the Future
Feb 5 - Tame the Negative Mind
Feb 12 - Create a Strong Sense of Self
Feb 19 - Generate the Strength to Act
Feb 26 - Embrace Change
1月2日 – 更新與清晰
1月16日 – 平衡能量
1月23日 – 培養面對未來的自信
2月5日 – 清理消極思維
2月12日 – 強化自我認同
2月19日 – 增強行動力
2月26日 – 擁抱改變
Read more 一期7堂$5,000/單堂$750
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