☗ 3800 放鬆淨化排毒療程/60min
☗ 3800 背部疼痛舒壓/30min
☗ 3800 華佗夾脊保健/30min
☗ 3800 頭皮理療/30min
☗ 5800 術後調理/60min
☗ 5800 鬱症調理/60min
☗ 5800 創傷療癒/60min
☗ 5800 打亮生命之光/60min
☗ 5800 減輕焦慮/60min
☗ 5800 清理中軸/60min
☗ 5800 接地力/60min
☗ 5800 豐盛力/60min
☗ 5800 保持專注/60min
☗ 5800 激發創造力/60min
☗ 5800 提升能量/60min
☗ 5800 愉悅心情/60min
☗ 5800 提升表達力/60min
☗ 5800 激活松果體/60min
☗ 5800 擴展直覺與靈感/60min
☗ 5800 愛的彩虹光體/60min
☗ 5800 富裕能量磁鐵/60min
☗ 8800 紫白九星養健康療程/75min
☗ 108800 紫白九星養健康療程套組/75min x 年度月調理12次療程
☗ 12800 舒眠療程方案/90min
* 德國Oberon光波共振掃描檢測
* 睡坐站姿檢測評估+舒眠健康諮詢指導
* 生物鐘音頻校準
* 松果體音頻校準
☗ 12800 體態平衡校準療程方案/90min
* 德國Oberon光波共振掃描檢測
* 睡坐站姿檢測評估+體態健康諮詢指導
* 坐姿音頻校準
* 站姿生物力學校準
☗ 8800 五行調和:水元素療程/75min
☗ 8800 五行調和:木元素療程/75min
☗ 8800 五行調和:火元素療程/75min
☗ 8800 五行調和:土元素療程/75min
☗ 8800 五行調和:金元素療程/75min
☗ 8800 五行調和:五元素整合療程/75min
☗ 49800 五行調和療程套組/75min x 6次療程
☗ 12800 七脈輪生命共振:海底輪療程/90min
☗ 12800 七脈輪生命共振:臍輪療程/90min
☗ 12800 七脈輪生命共振:太陽神經叢輪療程/90min
☗ 12800 七脈輪生命共振:心輪療程/90min
☗ 12800 七脈輪生命共振:喉輪療程/90min
☗ 12800 七脈輪生命共振:眉心輪療程/90min
☗ 12800 七脈輪生命共振:頂輪療程/90min
☗ 12800 七脈輪生命共振:七脈輪整合療程/90min
☗ 98000 七脈輪生命共振療程套組/90min x 8次療程
☗ 18800 全息蛻變療程(五行+七脈輪+人體身體能量地圖整合)/100min
☗ 88000 能量覺行-3天2夜能量點秘境旅行
覺知 回歸心的本真
覺察 身與心的關係
覺醒 活出心的力量
☗ 108800 光與愛合一方案(全息蛻變療程+能量覺行)
*請務必確認已加入官方Line@ 並且傳訊息給我們您的姓名以及報名課程,以免錯過優惠、課程消息
SoundsGood – We care for your three homes: body, mind, and the earth.
Sound Therapy Specialist Treatment Services|Reservation Required
Classical Treatments
☗ NTD 3800 Relaxation, Purification, and Detoxification Course|60 min
Relaxation, Purification, and Detoxification + Tuning Fork Consciousness-Raising Course|60 min
- NTD 3800 Back Pain Relief|30 min
- NTD 3800 Hua-Tuo-Jia-Ji Health Care|30 min
- NTD 3800 Scalp Therapy|30 min
☗ NTD 5800 Specialized Treatments|60 min each
- Postoperative Care
- Depression Treatment
- Trauma Healing
- Shine the Light of Life
- Anxiety Reduction
- Subtle Body Energy Channel Cleansing
- Grounding Force Activation
- Empowering Abundance
☗ NTD 5800 Personal Growth Treatments|60 min each
- Stay Focused
- Inspire Creativity
- Boost Energy
- Elevate Mood
- Enhance Expression
- Pineal Gland Activation
- Expand Intuition and Inspiration
☗ NTD 5800 Advanced Energy Work|60 min each
- Rainbow Light Body of Love
- Rich Energy Magnet
Purple and White Nine Star Holistic Treatments|75 min
☗ NTD 8800 Purple and White Nine Star Holistic Health Treatment
☗ NTD 108800 Annual Purple and White Nine Star Holistic Health Program|75 min x 12 monthly sessions
Specialized Therapy Programs
Sleep Therapy Program|90 min|NTD 12800
- German Oberon Light Wave Resonance Scanning
- Posture Assessment & Sleep Health Consultation
- Biological Clock Sound Healing Therapy
- Pineal Gland Sound Healing Therapy
Posture Balance Calibration Program|90 min|NTD 12800
- German Oberon Light Wave Resonance Scanning
- Posture Assessment & Physical Health Consultation
- Seated Sound Healing Calibration
- Standing Biomechanics Calibration
Five Elements Harmonization Treatments|75 min
☗ NTD 8800 Individual Element Therapy
- Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, or Metal Element Therapy
☗ NTD 8800 Five Elements Integrated Therapy
☗ NTD 49800 Five Elements Treatment Program|75 min x 6 sessions
Seven Chakra Life Resonance Treatments|90 min
☗ NTD 12800 Individual Chakra Therapy
- Root, Navel, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, or Crown Chakra Therapy
☗ NTD 12800 Seven Chakra Integrated Therapy
☗ NTD 98000 Seven Chakra Life Resonance Program|90 min x 8 sessions
Exclusive Treatment Courses
☗ NTD 18800 Holographic Transformation Treatment|100 min
(Includes Five Elements Harmonization + Seven Chakra Resonance + Human Energy Mapping Integration)
☗ NTD 88000 Energy Awakening Retreat|3 days & 2 nights
- Awareness: Return to the true nature of the heart
- Awake: Understand the body-mind connection
- Awakening: Embrace the power of the heart
This retreat combines earth, water, fire, wind, and sky elements to purify stagnant chi, infuse fresh energy, and enhance inner consciousness.
Begin your journey toward personal health innovation and life harmony.
☗ NTD 108800 Light and Love Integrated Program
(Includes Holographic Transformation Course + Energy Awakening Retreat)
Please make sure to add our official LINE@ and message us with
“Your Name” and “The Service You’d Like to Book.”
Bilingual Instructor: Mandarin / English
Additional information
時間長度 | 3800 放鬆淨化排毒療程/60min, 5800 放鬆淨化排毒+音叉意識提升療程/60min, 8800 五行調和療程/90min, 12800 七脈輪生命共振療程/90min, 18800 全息蛻變療程(五行+七脈輪+人體能量地圖整合)/100min, 88000 能量覺行- 3天2夜 能量點秘境旅行, 108800 光與愛合一方案(全息蛻變療程+能量覺行) |